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Agent Advantage Real Estate

Janice Doe, Realtor®

Janice is more than just a real estate agent – She is a Realtor, expert marketer, and most importantly, a compassionate advocate for home buyers and home sellers. Janice understands the need for correct planning, responsive communication, a positive mindset, and a dependable work ethic. Whether helping a client purchase that perfect home or guiding an investor toward a profitable property, Janice understands that a solid relationship is at the core of a successful, stress-free transaction. Janice is a long-time local resident and an expert that has intimate knowledge of Miami and the surrounding areas.

A large part of Janice’s success in this competitive market is due to a steady flow of referrals from satisfied clients who recommend her to friends and family members. Janice is an expert at finding the perfect home for buyers and an expert at helping sellers with pricing, advertising, and marketing a property using the most tech-savvy resources to get your property in front of the right audience.

Five Star Reviews

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James Q. Public
Sed ut cursus leo. Maecenas vulputate hendrerit enim quis cursus. Sed id blandit orci. Vestibulum non vehicula dui. Maecenas id dui dolor. Proin sit amet pretium arcu. Mauris convallis, sem cursus eleifend congue, turpis diam pharetra tellus, rutrum mattis dolor ex at felis. Etiam id ligula placerat, venenatis velit in, euismod enim. Maecenas vel quam lobortis, ultrices purus sed, tincidunt quam. Donec in odio imperdiet elit laoreet pulvinar ut sodales arcu. Aenean gravida est sit amet odio eleifend rhoncus. Donec pharetra egestas laoreet.
John Q. Public
Nam tincidunt scelerisque mollis. Donec egestas lectus non laoreet hendrerit. Integer elementum risus quis lacinia fermentum. Vestibulum rhoncus dignissim elit id euismod. Sed vel lacus libero. Nullam nec felis et enim lacinia placerat. Integer finibus felis vel neque convallis pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas sagittis placerat erat at gravida. Morbi bibendum non ipsum in congue. Nulla et sollicitudin metus.
Jane Q. Public

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